The goal of the counseling program is to meet the needs of all students, providing a safe and nurturing environment for everyone. Over the course of the year, the counselor will be working with our students in a few different ways. First, the counselor will work with students through classroom guidance lessons and activities. We will cover topics related to academics, careers, and personal/social issues. Second, the counselor will meet with students individually, either on a set schedule or on an as-needed basis. If you feel that your child would benefit from counseling resources, please let the counselor know, and we will get that set up. Third, the counselor will provide various small group activities to meet the needs of students dealing with similar circumstances. Through all of these activities, the counselor hopes to provide an environment for students to understand and work on their mental health, learning the tools they need to carry with them for years to come. Feel free to reach me at 256-248-9040.
Parent / Guardian Resources
As the school counselor, I am not just here for the students. I am a tool and resource for all of you, to help you through any challenges or hardships you may face with your student. I want to celebrate the good and help you through the bad!
Sometimes, life just happens. It can throw us a curveball that we are not sure how to handle. As needs arise, please feel free to contact me. By letting me know what a student is going through, I can better provide the appropriate resources the student needs here at school. Sometimes, an encouraging word or an extra ear to listen is all a student needs to feel better about a situation. But, sometimes, more intense and involved situations might need some of our outside resources, to help you and your student work through situations. Either way, I am a support and resource for you.
I want to help you provide the best possible resources for your student that we have available. We can work together to esablish a plan for your student or discuss alternative options, to get your student through life's struggles and hardships.
Together, we can work through your student's needs!
Community Resources
We are fortunate to be able to provide a variety of services for our students.
1. Riverbend Counseling: A counselor from Riverbend comes to our school and meets with students one-on-one, to address needs with individual students.
2. The Healing Place: A counselor from the Healing Place, a grief counseling center in Muscle Shoals, comes in and meets with students who have been affected by the deaths of loved ones.
3. Safeplace: Safeplace comes in and presents information to students on various topics that are relevant to students today.
4. Sydney's Safe: We are proud to receive and provide resources from Sydney's Safe, for students and families in need of extra food support throughout the school year.
School Resources
On campus, as the counselor, I provide services to our students in several ways.
1. Individual Counseling: As the counselor, I offer individual counseling sessions to students as needed. In some cases, I may meet with students one or two times, as issues and situations arise they need to work through. In other cases, I meet with students one to two times a week, keeping up with progress and improvement of situations students are facing, addressing needs and issues in the comfort zone of the school.
2. Classroom Guidance: I go into each classroom and present information to classes about academics, personal and social skills, and careers. I also address substance use, relationships with family and friends, and making good choices.
3. Group Counseling: As needed, I will offer group counseling for students with similar situations to discuss their feelings and work through situations together.
Links & Websites
Alabama State Department of Education
Alabama College and Career Ready Standards
The Healing Place
Sydney's Safe
Salvation Army
American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
Contact Information
Laura Peden
Cherokee Elementary School
1305 North Pike
Cherokee, Alabama 35616
Phone: 256-359-6422
Fax: 256-359-6426
E-mail: lpeden@colbert.k12.al.us
Mission Statement
The Cherokee Elementary counseling program will support our students and help them become life-long learners, through academic, educational, career, personal, and social endeavors, in a safe and nurturing environment.