Under the legal counsel of the Bishop-Colvin firm, Colbert County Schools is currently in the process of updating every section of Board Policy to reflect current and accurate local, state, and federal legislation. Recommended practice for School Boards throughout Alabama is to adopt and vote on processes and procedures, publish separately from the actual Board Policy document, and reference all sections where appropriate.
Colbert County Schools is currently following this guidance, which is why there may be multiple board-approved documents for some sections below until the process of consolidating and finalizing the Board Policy is complete. Unless otherwise noted, stakeholders should become familiar with and expect to follow the most recent board-approved sections (labeled below) since they supersede any previous board-approved action.
While we are continuing to make every effort to provide the most current Board Policy version available in this section of our website, we appreciate your patience during periods of transition that may not reflect the most up-to-the-minute revisions of processes, procedures, and policies of the district.